
Data Management

The ROI of Presearch: Maximizing Efficiency and Profitability

In the competitive world of staffing and recruitment, staying ahead means leveraging every tool and strategy available to improve efficiency and effectiveness. One such strategy is presearch database management.
July 2, 2024
Data Management

The Importance of Managing Job Titles in Your Database

As a user of's Candidate IQ, you understand the power of efficient candidate searches. However, even the most advanced tools face challenges when dealing with diverse and often inconsistent job titles in databases. Here's why it's crucial for recruiters to actively manage and adjust these titles, and how doing so can significantly improve your recruitment process.
Andrew Buhrmann
October 20, 2023
Data Management

The Risks Behind Building a Candidate Database Without a Clear Plan

At, we frequently hear about the desire to build expansive candidate databases. Everyone loves the idea of having a vast pool of candidates, but rushing into it without a strategy can create a lot of problems. Let’s explore why:
Andrew Buhrmann
September 27, 2023
Data Management

5 Mistakes That Ruin A Candidate Database

This blog identifies five key mistakes that compromise the utility of your Bullhorn candidate database, such as "ghost profiles" and unstructured bulk imports. Pro tips and best practices are offered for each issue to optimize your recruitment process.
Andrew Buhrmann
September 25, 2023
Data Management

To Automate Anything, You Need Good Data

Automation has become a game-changer in today's business landscape, reshaping how we approach various tasks and processes. From streamlining repetitive tasks to making complex calculations in seconds, automation has proved to be a boon. However, there's a fundamental prerequisite to reap its full benefits - good data.
Andrew Buhrmann
August 3, 2023
Data Management

Building Trust in Your Data: An 8-Step Guide for Organizations

Outside of your people, your organization's most powerful asset is its data. As you navigate the vast landscapes of information at your disposal, how confident are you in its quality and reliability? Trust in data is a cornerstone of effective decision-making and the foundation of realizing a substantial return on investment (ROI) on this crucial resource. But building this trust is no overnight feat; it requires consistent efforts, robust strategies, and a commitment to high data standards.
Andrew Buhrmann
July 20, 2023
Data Management

Rating Data Hygiene: A Staffing Perspective

If you think about it, your agency's database is very much like a restaurant. It serves up valuable information (or 'meals') to different 'customers'—recruiters, hiring managers, even your automation systems. Now, imagine if the kitchen (your data repository) was disorganized or dirty. The quality of the meals (information) it serves would be compromised, leading to unhappy customers and potentially harming your reputation.
Andrew Buhrmann
June 20, 2023
Data Management

Filling in the Blanks: How to Change Your Data from 'Meh' to 'Wow!

The saying "knowledge is power" rings incredibly true in the staffing industry. But what happens when the knowledge at your disposal—your data—is incomplete or inaccurate? A hot topic of conversation is using automation (RPA style workflows) to identify profile gaps and automatically reach out to candidates to update crucial contact information such as phone numbers and emails. That's an essential step in the right direction. However, you can take it a step further with today's technology.
Andrew Buhrmann
June 16, 2023
Data Management

Igniting a New Era in Staffing: A Vision of Efficiency and Precision with Candidate IQ™

At Vettd, we stand at the crossroads of technology and human expertise. We're constantly scanning the horizon, anticipating future needs and addressing them head-on. Our vision is one where Candidate IQ enables a transformative leap, igniting a new era in staffing, where efficiency, precision, and data-first decision-making are the norm.
Andrew Buhrmann
May 24, 2023
Data Management

Unlocking the Value of Your Candidate Database: Elevating Decision-Making with Candidate IQ™

As we navigate the dynamic landscape of the staffing industry, one thing remains clear - the enormous untapped potential that lies within our candidate databases. With each profile, a wealth of data resides, often going unnoticed or underutilized. But what if we could harness this data, transforming our decision-making process and amplifying the efficiency of our recruitment operations?
Andrew Buhrmann
May 23, 2023
Data Management

Harnessing the Future: Sustaining Candidate Database Efficiency with Candidate IQ™

Today's recruitment landscape is ever-changing, with new roles emerging, old ones evolving, and the skills required for these roles in constant flux. This makes maintaining an up-to-date, organized, and efficient candidate database a challenge. Let's dive into how Candidate IQ can help you sustain these efficiencies and stay ahead in this dynamic recruitment environment.
Andrew Buhrmann
May 17, 2023
Data Management

Revitalizing Your Candidate Database: The Power of Candidate IQ™ in Making the Most of Your Existing Resources

One of the most untapped resources in the staffing and recruitment industry is the existing candidate database. Many staffing firms possess vast databases containing tens or even hundreds of thousands of candidate profiles. But despite this wealth of data, these databases are often underutilized, with recruiters preferring to look for fresh candidates on platforms like LinkedIn, Indeed, or Zip Recruiter.
Andrew Buhrmann
May 16, 2023
Data Management

The Complexities of Building a Universal Candidate Schema

A universal candidate schema can provide staffing agencies with a structured and standardized representation of candidate data, making talent management more effective and efficient. However, building a universal candidate schema in-house can be a daunting task for staffing agencies.
Andrew Buhrmann
April 12, 2023
Data Management

The Ultimate Tech Stack for Identifying and Managing Skills in the Modern Workforce

In today's rapidly evolving job market, skill identification and management have become increasingly crucial for businesses to stay competitive and agile. The right tech stack can make all the difference in effectively identifying, tracking, and managing organizational skills. In this blog, we will explore the best tech stack for skill identification and management, focusing on the key components that drive success in this critical area of workforce development.
Andrew Buhrmann
April 4, 2023
Data Management

Summiting the Mountain of Staffing Automation: How Organized Candidate Data is the Base Camp for Success

In the world of mountain climbing, having a well-organized base camp is crucial to the success of any expedition. The same can be said for staffing agencies striving to reach the peak of staffing automation. Just as climbers need a strong foundation before ascending, agencies must have well-organized candidate data to fully harness the power of staffing automation. In this blog, we'll explore the importance of organized candidate data and how it can help your staffing agency reach new heights in automation, utilizing insights from Bullhorn.
Andrew Buhrmann
March 22, 2023
Data Management

Solving the Persistent Challenge of Managing Candidate Data with Vettd

As a partner supporting staffing agencies, we understand the persistent challenge of managing candidate data. The large volume of data, the dynamic nature of candidate profiles, and the need for integration with multiple systems are just a few of the obstacles that staffing agencies face. However, Vettd's Candidate Intelligence Platform provides the solution that can help staffing agencies to improve their recruitment processes and gain a competitive edge.
Andrew Buhrmann
March 20, 2023
Data Management

The Missing Piece in Staffing Automation: Why Candidate Schema is Vital for Staffing Executives

In the fast-paced world of staffing and recruitment, staffing executives are constantly seeking innovative ways to automate their processes and stay ahead of the competition. However, one critical aspect is often overlooked: the candidate schema. In this blog, we'll explore what a candidate schema is, why it's essential for building reliable staffing automation, and how it can revolutionize your agency's efficiency and effectiveness.
Andrew Buhrmann
March 20, 2023
Data Management

The Importance of High-Quality Data in Candidate Intelligence

In today's staffing industry, candidate intelligence has become an essential tool for recruiters. However, what many recruiters fail to realize is that the effectiveness of candidate intelligence relies heavily on the quality of data being used.
Andrew Buhrmann
March 2, 2023
Data Management

Your Future Depends on Building Data Ecosystems

The second pillar for the Data Innovation needed to support Advantage 2.0 is the creation of use-case specific Data Ecosystems.
January 9, 2023

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